Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Continuous Roller Coaster Ride!

It has been quite a rollercoaster since Pat made it home from the hospital on Friday. Although her pain has been well managed with the new pain pump the nausea has been quite a different story. It seems as though the moment the doctors get a handle on one symptom, the next one flares up. We spent the weekend, on into the first of the week on the phone with and visiting doctors to get the nausea managed. Her pain management doctor put some nausea medication directly into her pain pump and she was prescribed a cream that has worked quite well for her. She rubs it on the inside of her forearm and within a few minutes she feels the nausea begin to ease up. She was able to eat a bit on Tuesday morning and over the past couple days she has had a much better time being able to eat and manage keeping her medications down as well as regulating her blood sugar. On Monday she went to her oncologist who decided that at this point her body is too weak to handle any chemotherapy. So, Pat has turned the situation over to the Lord and knows that from here on out it is strictly dependent upon His timetable. Pat is in good spirits and enjoys the time that she has when she is feeling well. She has been enjoying visits from family and neighbors and has been blessed by so many members of the ward who have brought in such wonderful dinners. She is thankful for all those who have been sacrificing and serving on her behalf.

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to see you today. You are an inspiration to us all. You have always been able to teach, and show me that heaven is as real as the world in which we live. I hope that one day I will have just an ounce of the faith, commitment and love you demonstrate. Love you.
